You might know some of the famous names of specific teeth such as Wisdom tooth, molar or incisor but you might not know what the
teeth numbers are and how they relate with names of your teeth. As mentioned above, we’ve got the teeth and numbering system from FDI that is adopted by ADA and is in use by most of the general dentists and orthodontist to identify teeth by number.
Dentists usually take images of your teeth and split the interior of your mouth into four sections or quadrants. The upper portions of your mouth are the first two quadrants, while the lower portions are the third and fourth ones. So, the top right of your mouth’s interior is quadrant one (that’s your right side), while your top left is quadrant two. For the bottom, it’s a bit confusing, it goes from left to right where the bottom left is quadrant three, and the bottom right is quadrant four.